Monday, August 11, 2008

Prayer - Does It Really Work?

I saw an article in my local paper, the Cincinnati Enquirer, today called "Can prayer have healing power?" My answer is absolutely, but as I began to research I discovered that so many religions don't believe in the power of prayer or that there is a God who can heal and make people whole.

Here is what the Bible has to say about this...

Mark 16:17-18 "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name . . . they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Psalm 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all."

Jeremiah 30:17 "For I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the Lord."

Psalm 103:2-3 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who heals all thy diseases."

Isaiah 53:5 "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

I believe that there is great power in prayer when there is FAITH behind the prayer. I believe that Jesus Christ has great power to heal and make people whole. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. In the comment section, take the time to share testimony of healing or let us know if you don't believe in healing.

My Brother's Healing

My brother Adam (sitting at the far left in the picture) was born with hemophilia. Hemophilia is a blood disease that effects one's blood's ability to clot. People with hemophilia could bleed to death from a small cut or lost tooth or even worse could bleed to death internally and it wouldn't be recognized until the person was dead.

What was even worse about my brother was he was a very hyper and active child. So my parents had the worst of times telling him he couldn't run around or play sports. And playing sports was what our family did (unless you were like me and you could sing).

I remember playing knothole baseball when I was like 6 or 7 and watching my little brother at age 3 cling to the fence wanting so desperately to get out on the field and play. It was just in him to play baseball, but once again with hemophilia that wasn't an option. Soon after that Adam began to get really sick and he desperately needed surgery to make it through the rest of his life, but the surgeons at Children's Hospital would never clear him for surgery because of his blood.

Adam began to lose a lot of weight because he wouldn't eat, and if you knew our family you would know that something was wrong.

Here is where the story gets good. My family is a Christian family and we began to rally the troops (the prayer warriors we knew from churches everywhere) and they went to war. People were praying without ceasing for this little boy until they got results. And that's exactly what they and we got.

One day my mom got a call from Children's Hospital and a nurse told her that Adam had been cleared for surgery. My mom said, "What do you mean". It wasn't that she didn't believe it was that she was worried they had made a mistake because they didn't let her know that his blood was different or anything like that, they just said he was cleared for surgery.

So mom talked to the doctor and he said that he couldn't explain it, but his blood was NORMAL and he could have the surgery. Well I feel the power of God all over me. Adam had the surgery and is completely fine. Right after the surgery Adam ate like three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

The best part of this story (so far) just happened recently. Adam is now 19 and graduated from high school in June. He has played select baseball all over the country since the age of 5. He has a great talent and I believe he is only going to get better. Since March Adam has been receiving call after call from coaches at universities and colleges all across the United States. In June Adam signed his National Letter of Intent to attend Lincoln Trail College in Robinson, Illinois of a full baseball scholarship!!!

You see this could never had been possible if God had not healed Adam when he was younger. I believe that God has great things in store for this kid. I believe that God has destined him for the major leagues so that he can share his testimony of God's power with the world.


Anonymous said...

I clicked on the article from the newspaper website. I didn't exactly read it in it's entirety, but I would like to make one point.

I believe that to receive a healing it is by faith on both ends, the people who are praying and the person who is receiving that healing.

In this case of course, as a child one would need parents and family who supports the child and they must believe that child can be healed.

According to the tiny tid-bits I read in this article, he is searching for a way to pray people back to good health, apparently including non-believers. Children have much faith and belong to God until they use their free will to go astray, so I believe children can receive and yes, this could be a blessing and a soul-winning project if children are healed by the power of God in front of their parent's eyes! But I believe it could also be a bigger result for skeptics and non-believing adults who are sick. Unfortunately, If they aren't believing, they wont be receiving!!

Since your family and the saints who were praying with them truly believed that God could change his life around and heal his sick body, God blessed your brother with his miracle healing... and now a wonderful testimony!

By the world's standards, your brother shouldn't be alive!!! But God has other plans for him!!!

Praise the Lord!! =D

Tom Usher said...

As I commented on your BlogCatalog page:

"I like your post about your brother's miraculous healing of hemophilia. I posted about the Hamas leader's son who converted to Christianity. He attends Barabbas Road Church. They believe miracles ceased in the first generation. It isn't true though, as you personally attested. Thank you."

Well, we may not agree 100%, but I've also linked to your story from that post of mine.

God bless.