Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Book Review : For the young Ladies out there

The Truth About Guys
"One Guy Reveals What Every Girl Should Know"
By: Chad Eastham

Recommended for-
Gender: Female
Age Group: 12-17
Quick Point-
"This book is really cute!"

In The Truth About Guys, author Chad Eastham writes all about guys including some of his own experiences, both in life and as a professional speaker visiting places like schools and youth groups across the country. He also travels with the Revolve tour.

(In case you didn't know, Revolve is a Christian magazine, like teen people or seventeen for Christian girls. They hold a tour featuring many current Christian recording artists each year... If you would like to know more, or check out show dates and locations, visit their website at http://www.revolvetour.com/.)

In this book, Chad teaches you mostly how to love yourself, and attract the RIGHT guys. It includes a lot about the way teenage boys think and how they really feel about girls. It has some really good information that many girls need to see and will also enjoy for a good laugh.
I would recommend this book to ladies 17 and younger. Chad wrote this book with a preteen to teen audience in mind. I think an 18 or above young lady would mostly find this below her level, and find herself thinking "Yeah, I already knew that" a lot during reading. But, there are many facts, tips, and statistics that I as a nearly 21 year old found interesting.
I had been reading these books and reviewing them in preparation for a young ladies youth class, and I will most likely use material from this book. I would say that it could be used as a great tool for anyone who might be running a youth class, or maybe a youth pastor/leader. I personally enjoyed it, even though I wouldn't recommend for someone my age to purchase this book, I would recommend that those in that age bracket do.

I also added Chad as a friend on MySpace and saw many girls of that age praising his book and even saying things like "This book really changed my life" and "I used some things I learned from the book to help a friend of mine get out of a tight spot".

I find it very positive for young ladies, and recommend it to you!!


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