Monday, August 11, 2008



We should just all come to the realization that everyone in the world is angry at everyone else for some reason or another. In this photo, you see me... as the Hulk because I am angry about something or another everyday that I live and wake up... but why are we wasting our time and energy being angry all the time?

An anonymous poster commented on my last post [which I deleted the comment for the sake of posting it here.] saying something to this affect: "How dare she not sing Christian music? Perhaps she should be stoned! It is because of Christians like you that people stray away from your religion."

Well, Well Angry Beaver! My Oh My! Perhaps you have been a victim of condemnation yourself. For that I am sorry, and I would like to take this opportunity apologize to you and any other person who has been in that position. Condemnation is when a person or person[s] place blame onto a person, judge them and almost literally sentence them to Hell. I'll be doing a more in-depth post on Condemnation later, maybe next post. But condemnation also comes from the teachings of modern man's idea of "Religion". When one is condemned it is usually by beliefs of a specific church or group's traditions.

In which case, I first must add I do not believe in a sure "Religion" I believe in the Word of God and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Religion is just a set of traditions and beliefs set out by man in addition to those of God, or in remission of those of God or the one true God. If you are reading this Angry Beaver, I hope that you can understand the differences. Please understand that I am not "fighting with you" debating, or promoting an online quarrel. I would just like you to understand more thoroughly what I believe and my statements in my previous blog.

In no way have I intended on condemning Katy Perry or anyone of the sort. I have not sentenced her to eternal damnation in Hell and it is not my job to judge her, her works, or lack thereof. I could make a long list of "Judases" in our midst today. There are also many "Prodigal's Sons", Katy Perry seeming to be one of those as well. Am I chastising or blaming them? No. I have merely pointed out a few facts that other people may not be aware of. I am expressing concern for her seemingly fading relationship with God. I want other Christians to be aware of her past and present so that we can pray that she is not being led astray and that God will bless her in a way that she realizes she truly needs him in her life. I'm not making a "big deal" out of her change in music. I'm wanting to share that she was once a Christian artist, and now she is singing about kissing girls and making bookoo[sp?] bucks for it, after which she has admitted that her Gospel career was on the rocks. The point is she has most likely done it for the cold, hard, cash. I want people to pray for her, not tear her down.

Perhaps our friend did not read the entire post, for it was a long post indeed. I apologize for I tend to be long-winded. [Or long-finger movemented?] I do see where my Angry friend is coming from, such as those who scream "You're going to Hell! Repent now!" I do not believe that way. I believe in stating the facts when prompted to do so, sharing my beliefs and showing Christ in my ways and actions, not by force or by scaring someone, such as threatenings of Hell. Although I do believe in Hell, I don't believe that Jesus would want me to scare anyone into serving him. In a way I would say... Jesus now, Hell later. But thank you Angry Beaver, for assuming I am a stereotypical, insane extremist because I have enough boldness to type my views on Katy Perry's globally advertised life in a Blog. I needed that for inspiration in this post.

Moving On...
Now, why am I the Hulk?
What makes me angry?
When we say "Let's keep prayer in schools, and if a student doesn't believe that way, they can do something elsewhere for that period of time." It's stupid, and unconstitutional.
When we start a petition saying "In God We Trust" should stay on our money... it is too.
And apparently, so is a Christian posting a blog, a video on youtube, or making a website... maybe not unconstitutional, but certainly bogus.
Anyone can post something online, but if it spreads a message of Jesus,
they are often harassed, and beaten down for it.

When Non-Believers mock us and our God, it's freedom of speech.
When Non-Believers say "No prayer in Schools!" It's freedom of speech.
Saying No to God, posting their Blogs and Videos...
All freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of blah blah blah.

Why can't I say "Jesus loves you" on someone's blogs and videos, [or even my own!] without being attacked?

Well, I want to know why it's so fair for every Non-Believer to post their views on a Blog and not be attacked for it. [I recognize there are many exceptions, but usually, even when there is a Christian who stands up for Jesus and their beliefs, there is seldom a blaming or hateful way of coming across about it. Maybe a loving gesture such as "Jesus loves you, even if you don't believe he is there" or a Bible verse.]

Why all the animosity?!

I found this study outline for those out there who love Jesus and study their word!
It's an amazing outline showing positive ways to deal with and express anger.
It also discusses the anger of GOD himself, instilled in you.
Here's the ANGER page

So, I'd like to know...

Thanks for reading!

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